Our Supporters

Organizational Structure

Al-Zohra Welfare Association Registration No. DSW (645-k) 1991 Holding National Tax Number 4105378-8 Also Registered As Charitable Institution Under Section 2(36)(c) Of The Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 Read With Rule 2012 And 220 Of The Income Tax Rules, 2002. All Donations Are Exempted From Withholding Taxes Under Sections 37A, 150, 151, 153(1)(a) 153(1)(b), 231A, 235 And 236(1)(a) & (b) Of The Income Tax Ordinance.
As per the legal requirement, the annual accounts of the Association are independently audited each year since 1997.

AUDITORS: Mohiuddin & Company Chartered Accounts

Our current office bearers are Mrs Nighat Zahra Shah(President), Naila Naveen Shah (Vice President), Mrs Naeema Muzammil (General Secretary), Mr.Ahtesham Ali Shah (Joint Secretary) and Mrs Mahnaz Hamid (Treasurer). Mr. Imtiaz Rasool is Al-Zohra’s consultant and he advises us on all matters.

All office bearers and members are Honorary.

Donors and Sponsors

Our main source of funding comes from members and individual donors who make monetary contributions and donations of food rations, clothing, crockery and house hold items.

Pharmatec Pvt donates medicines.
Ghani sons are our regular donors for school uniforms and shoes.
Infaq Foundation and Pharmatec Pvt sponsors the salaries of our teachers and staff.

Maintenance costs are borne by the members.