Vocational Training Center

  • Beautician Course
    Beautician Course
  • Fitness Classes
    Fitness Classes
  • Beautician Classes
    Beautician Classes
  • English language Classes
    English language Classes
  • computer Classes
    computer Classes
  • Sewing classes
    Sewing classes
  • Fitness Classses
    Fitness Classses

Our Vocational Training Center is registered with STEVTA (Sindh Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority) and more than  6500 girls took admission in our courses since 1998. This center is solely dedicated to the empowerment of women. We train these ladies in different fields so that it is easier for them to attain employment and help feed their families. Our center runs 6 days a week, 03:00 pm to 05:00 pm, catering to 25 to 30 students in each course for 2 months.


Needy Students are provided everything from cloth, stationery to any other material they require, free of charge.
After completing this course, most girls find jobs at boutiques, open their own shops, start stitching clothes at home to earn money or start to teach sewing from home to earn a monthly income. Sometimes they accept mass orders from boutiques and divide the work among themselves to finish work on time.

Five short courses are offered under this program.
1. Basic
2. Ladies fashion design
3. Frocks designs
4. New born complete sets
5. Gent’s designs


Daily classes are conducted by a qualified and experienced teacher in our well equipped computer laboratory. A 30 inch LCD screen is used to effectively teach the course to our students through slides and videos, specially formulated for our courses. The students follow instructions on their computers and with weeks of practice are capable to apply for jobs.

Following are the courses are offered under this program:
1. MS Office & Office Automation
2. English and Urdu typing
3. Internet utilization such as Email
4. Graphic design: CorelDraw, HTML, Photoshop and Urdu inpage.


The Association realized that the greatest need of the female students and job oriented women was an understanding of the English language. The Rosetta stone interactive language software is used for Basic English Language course, and Tellme more is used for the Advance Course. Our instructor is proficient in English and engages the students in conversation and activities and showing educational documentaries. Group projects, daily conversation and writing assignments are carried out to improve their vocabulary and pronunciation.


This course was started because of the great demand of female workers in this field. It is conducted by a highly qualified teacher who gives basic and advance training in:
● Facials(skin-tightening Facial with Ultra machine),(L.E.D Mask).

● Bleach
● Threading
● Manicure
● Pedicure
● Waxing
● Cutting
● hair styles
● Hair Dye
● Eye makeup
● Party makeup
● Engagement makeup
● Bridal makeup
● Henna application nail art


Our cooking class has 11 cooking stations, a fridge, freezer and utensil sets of 20 each. The program includes starters, salads, chicken dishes, rice dishes, meat dishes, deserts, Chinese and continental dishes. Basic and advance courses are offered and altogether 72 different dishes are taught.
Students are taught how to bake on the stove without the use of costly equipment and gadgets.


Al Zohra realized that there is need for women to be able to exercise in the absence of open grounds and parks. Yoga and Aerobics are taught by an experienced instructor at Al Zohra. Diet Plans are given out and their weight is regularly monitored.

Please visit our facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/AlzohraVocational/

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Some statistical data about the students in VTC:

greenBeautician and Grooming Course
yellowEnglish Language Course
redComputer Training
blueSewing and Stitching Course
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blueStudents starting jobs after course
redStudents enhance their capability to further their education
yellow-newStudents start teaching and earning at home
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