Under privileged women from all over Karachi are issued Al Zohra Welfare cards to lessen the burden of running their households. All Al Zohra Welfare cards are made after proper Background checks. The women are interviewed and if they seem deserving, their residence is visited for a surprise check. At present women from 34 different areas are receiving ration etc which include, Baldia, Korangi,Orangi, Banaras, Shirin jinnah, Keamari, Azam basti, Qayyumabad,New Karachi, Gizri, Malir, Qaidabad, Allah Walla town, Akhtar Colony, Punjab Colony, Dehli Colony, Liaqatabad, Kala Pul, Landhi, Hijrat Colony,Muhajir camp, Gulistan e Johar, Kati Pahari, Nomaish, Saddar, North Nazimabad, North Karachi, Dalmia and Ibrahim Hyderi.
Criteria of eligibility for an Al Zohra Welfare card:-
1. Widowed grandmothers left with the responsibility of taking care of orphaned grandchildren. Mostly these grandmothers do not have an earning member in the family
2. Old widows or single women who do not have an earning member, or do not have kids to take care of them and are alone.
3. Single mothers with small children, who cannot leave their kids with anyone to go out and earn a living.
4. Wives or daughters with the father, husband or the earning member very sick or bed ridden.
After all verification and personal visit, They are issued an Al Zohra card through which they get monthly Ration and Education stipend.
Eligible students are encouraged to carry on and complete their education via scholarships. All of Al Zohra Teachers are encouraged for further education.
ZAKAT Ration is given every month to Al Zohra Card holders.
Wedding Assistance:-
wedding packs are given to eligible girls, mostly Orphan.